Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Earth Angel

The fate our fragile planet is in our hands. Each of us holds the key to the earth our children and grandchildren will inherit. It's time to offer up 100% of our attention and dedication to living green before it's too late.

Illustration Friday submission for "100%"


Vhrsti said...

So sweet! Great work!


beautifully done...your choice of background really adds so much to the piece....all of the work on your blog is quite moving....exceptional !!

Kathleen Rietz said...

You know, I have been wondering where you disappeared to! I have always loved your contributions to Illustration Fridays. This photo is BEAUTIFuL and filled with meaning.

get zapped said...

Precious piece. Yo are so right, and I hope people wake up to this fact, before it's too late. Thank you for sharing this.

The Love Collective said...

I love this, socially conscious and beautiful image.

eyecontact said...

Thanks for the nice comment on my art blog. So happy to see your wonderful work. What an elegant eye with the ability to communicate an important message!

Roberta said...

Hauntingly wonderful!
Nice work all around.

claudine hellmuth said...


Anonymous said...

this is stunning!

a : )

Denise Gallagher said...

What a beautiful image!
And thank you so much for your comment.

catnapping said...

fantastic! beautifully done. i love the mood in it, as well...the golds and greens are perfect.

valerie walsh said...

exquisite and insightrul piece!

Anonymous said...

Great collage and great comment, I couldn't agree more.

suzanne said...

these are so lovely! beautiful